Womyn’s Week at Tulane University

Women’s History month often seems to focus on only white, middle- to upper-class, cisgender, straight, able-bodied women. Looking around, we started to ask, what about the rest of us? Please join us, the Women of Color, the queer womyn, the trans* folks, the lesbians, the poor women, the women of varied dis/abilities as we claim our space in history!


3:00 PM: Queer Feminist Striptease with Miss Indigo Blue; Anna Many Lounge in Caroline Richardson

OGSD invites students to participate in a discussion surrounding the work of Miss Indigo Blue, a burlesque dancer, entrepreneur, instructor and queer feminist.

7:00 PM: TUCP Direction Presents: Girl Rising; Kendall Cram

TUCP, CELT, the Black Student Union, and the Newcomb College Institute are proud to present a screening of Girl Rising, followed by a panel of speakers featuring:

  • Ashana Bigard, local education activist who focuses on the school to prison pipeline
  • Ruth Idakula, freelance writer and social justice advocate
  • Derek Knowles, production assistant for Girl Rising
  • Julie Willig, grassroots officer for Girl Up


6:30 PM: Lesbian Herstory Panel; Anna Many Lounge in Caroline Richardson

More details TBA


8:00 PM: Tulane University Vagina Monologues; Kendall Cram

*TICKETS for the Vagina Monologues are on sale EVERYDAY until 3/28 from 9am-2pm in the LBC (buttons and vagina chocolate lollipops on sale as well!) For more information on the Vagina Monologues at Tulane, visit their website: www.strikingly.com/tulanevaginamonologues


10:00 PM: Tulane University Vagina Monologues; Kendall Cram


11:00 AM: Women of Color Brunch

The Newcomb College Institute is hosting a FREE special brunch for the Women of Color on this campus! If you identify as a Woman of Color, this event is for YOU! At this brunch we will get to know one another, discuss the intersection of our cultures and womanhood and celebrate ourselves as women of color on this campus (while enjoying some great food of course).
RSVP to Ghiya Ali at gali@tulane.edu by FRIDAY at midnight

8:00 PM: Tulane University Vagina Monologues; Kendall Cram

These events have been organized by students representing Amnesty International TulaneQueer-Feminist Collective Student GroupTucpDirection Committee, Tulane Black Student Union, 1 in 3 Tulane, Students Organizing Against Racism at Tulane, African American Women’s Society,VOX: Tulane UniversityTulane QSA, the Gender and Sexuality Advisory Council, and staff representing the The Office for Gender and Sexual Diversity at Tulane UniversityOffice of Multicultural Affairs (OMA Tulane), the Newcomb College Institute, and Tulane Celt.

This has been an effort filled with a lot of love and intentionality…coming at a very busy and difficult time for many of us. This week by no means is representative of the histories of all marginalized womyn, and we are working to include specific programming to highlight the stories of trans* people, stories around abortion rights, and stories of dis/abilities. These stories may not materialize until a later date because we want to present them in the most honest and loving way possible. If anyone is interested in helping to organize events, we NEED you. Contact Jess at jcallah@tulane.edu if you have time/energy to contribute.