Lily Allen’s “Hard Out Here” – Did Satire Go Too Far?

In her first single since 2009, Lily Allen makes a bold return to the music scene with “Hard Out Here” – a satirical song focusing on the sexism experienced by women in their daily lives and in the music industry. While she parodies a number of controversial music topics from this past year, including Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” and Miley Cyrus’s twerking “scandal,” the music video isn’t going over as well as her feminist lyrics.

Much of the initial response to the video’s message was positive. PolicyMic‘s headline was that the video will “make feminists proud” and Uproxx and Spin gave it a seal of approval. Though the Washington Post found the song itself “bland,” their critic gave Allen props for “righteously targeting the patriarchal double standards of 21st-century celebrity culture.” Yahoo! proclaimed that it was “the song with world needs right now.”

But, though there has been little philosophical objection to the actual song, not everyone who doesn’t like double standards is happy with the video. As The Root put it: “Singer Attacks Sexism With Racist and Sexist Video.”

Read the full piece here, and check out the video below. WARNING: the video contains explicit language and sexual content.

What do you think? Did she succeed in her satire, or has she engaged in the very racist sexism she condemns?