What would you do with $25?

What if you could use it to help someone else succeed AND use the $25 on yourself? Matt Flannery created a way to do just that.  I’m sure many of you have at least heard the name, Kiva.


Kiva uses microfinance methods to help people around the world better their lives by allowing people like you to make small loans ($25 or more) to a borrower.  The lender then can watch as the borrower uses the money, and the loan is repaid once the borrower succeeds.  Then, the lender can make more loans, withdraw the money, or donate it to Kiva.

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Even cooler, Matt Flannery, the founder, is coming to Tulane on January 29, 2015 from 6 PM – 7 PM in the Freeman Auditorium in the Woldenberg Art Center.  Definitely stop by to hear more about this amazing social innovation and Matt Flannery himself!