International Princess Project

The bottom line? Slavery still exists and we refuse to do nothing about it. In India, the average age of a girl entering the sex trade is eleven. Many who enter are trafficked… in other words kidnapped, lured with promises of jobs in the city or sold by their own friends or family into sexual slavery. It is estimated that there are more than 3 million women and girls enslaved in India’s sex trade.

International Princess™ Project’s mission is to create pathways to freedom for women escaping the ravages of sex slavery to achieve lives of hope and dignity. We do this by partnering with indigenous organizations to establish micro-enterprise sewing centers that offer these women and girls a fresh start and place to heal. When a woman becomes part of an IPP sewing center, she learns a new trade [sewing] and practices refining her craftsmanship by producing quality sleep & loungewear called PUNJAMMIES™. The finished product is then exported to the US and sold online to countries all over the world with proceeds coming back to benefit each of the sewing centers. Each pair of PUNJAMMIES™ is named after a woman in one of our sewing centers so when you wear PUNJAMMIES™, you are wearing a message of HOPE for others like the women who lovingly stitched your loungewear.

For more information on how the IPP helps women escape the bonds of trafficking, click here, and don’t forget to check out their cute products! Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Google Plus.