The Everyday Sexism Project

Are you passionate about gender equality and feminist issues? If so, take a look at The Everyday Sexism project! The project exists to catalogue instances of sexism experienced by women on a day to day basis and to provide women (and men!) with a safe space in which to share their experiences and thoughts.

It seems to be increasingly difficult to talk about sexism, equality and women’s rights in a modern society that perceives itself to have achieved gender equality. In this ‘liberal’, ‘modern’ age, to complain about everyday sexism or suggest that you are unhappy about the way in which women are portrayed and perceived renders you likely to be labelled ‘uptight’, ‘prudish’, a ‘militant feminist’, or a ‘bra burner’.

The Everyday Sexism project aims to take a step towards gender equality, by proving wrong those who tell women that they can’t complain because we are equal. It is a place to record stories of sexism faced on a daily basis, by ordinary women, in ordinary places. To show that sexism exists in abundance in the UK workplace and that it is very far from being a problem we no longer need to discuss. To provoke responses so numerous and wide-ranging that the problem becomes impossible to ignore. To report the way you have been treated, even if it has not been taken seriously elsewhere. To stand up and say ‘this isn’t right’, even if it isn’t big or outrageous or shocking. Even if you’ve got used to thinking that it is ‘just the way things are’.

Check out the website and Twitter pages, and read this article for more information on founder Laura Bates and her vision. Bates also frequently writes features for The Guardian. If you’re interested in getting involved, please get in touch via