Kamya on RecrearMagnify2012

Hey there Changemakers!

My name is Kamya and this summer I’ll be participating in RecrearMagnify2012. Recrear is a non-profit working in international development who’s mission is “to create and support an intercultural network of innovative professionals, consultants, students, and entrepreneurs who are prepared to turn their ideas into bold initiatives contributing to the development and well-being of their local and global communities.”

I’ll be attending a conference in Quito and Esmeraldas, Ecuador for 3 weeks to get to know the international team and start developing a project/research/study/program which we will continue to work on remotely for a full year. I’m so excited and have started my own blog “Next Growing Edge to document my thoughts and opinions on this journey and what I learn. I’m always open to any new ideas, comments and suggestions so take a look and please let me know what you think!

