2014 ComeFail Idea Competition

ComeFail is co-hosting, alongside Venture for America, an event for students to share ideas with the community. The competition will begin through an open group Facebook forum and culminate in a campus-wide event where the top five ideas are pitched in front of a small panel of judges with three ideas taking home monetary awards. Get involved by joining the ComeFail Facebook group, sharing your ideas, and grilling others’ ideas!


ComeFail is a start-up interface that offers a space for students to fail safely and generate ideas with the hopes of evolving them into socially impactful organizations. ComeFail asks students to post their ideas with a willingness and interest in receiving constructive criticism. By asking tough questions, we hope students will learn and move closer to success!


  • Gain attention. The campus-wide event will give you media exposure.
  • Improve your idea. The Facebook group will provide a “mock trial” of the ComeFail experience.
  • Find teammates. Interactions online and offline will provide opportunities for students to network and team up!
  • Earn money. Cash will be awarded to the top ideas so students can continue to pursue them.


  • First prize: $500
  • Second prize: $300
  • Third Prize: $100


  • Facebook competition: Monday, March 10 – Tuesday, March 18
  • Final countdown: Tuesday, March 18, Mayer T2 (Common Room)
  • Panel even and selection: Thursday, March 20, Location TBD