Playing Senator for the Summer


Change maker Catalyst Award recipient, Kaitlyn Crowley, interned at the Massachusetts State Senate with Senate President Spilka, giving back to her community through district work and constituent cases while engaging with activities within the Senate.

My title was legislative intern, implying that I complete many of the same activities as the legislative aides in the office. My work ranged from taking constituent cases, writing letters to recently elected officials, and attending events either with or in place of Senate President Spilka. By far, the most rewarding aspect of my job was the constituent cases I took. I was able to connect the people from my own district with resources that would enhance their lives. This was a personal touch that allowed me to connect and give back to my hometown.

The most exciting aspect of my experience was the opportunities that I was given. For example, I was able to attend the passing of the “Revenge Porn Bill” and then witness the governor sign it into law. This was a powerful moment for me as I was in the Senate Gallery with one of the survivors who pushed the bill forward. It was an emotional event for her, which made it all the more impactful. Additionally, I had the opportunity to introduce the Senate President at the Intern’s Speaker Event. The best way to describe this moment is, “cool”. I got to stand in front of the official State Senate Podium. This was completely surreal for me as just the other week, I had gotten to watch Gabby Gifford, a former congresswoman, give a speech in that very spot. To know that I was quite literally standing in the same spot as such an influential figure seemed like I was in a movie. It simply did not feel like real life.

This experience was related to change making in a variety of ways. Firstly, as mentioned, a large aspect of my job was to take constituent cases. What this means is that our office would receive a call or email outlining a problem that a constituent had. These issues range from homelessness, emergency mental health crises, food insecurity, etc. A legislative aid or I would take this case, and co the constituent with resources they need in order to help alleviate the severity or simply fix their problem. This was a unique way to give back to the community through my own use of skills. It was impactful for me, as well, as I knew that I was making a direct difference in others’ lives. Secondly, on a larger scale, the Senate State has worked tirelessly to fix some of the problems plaguing Massachusetts. Since I have started my internship, they have created innovative legislature regarding housing, healthcare, climate, economic development, and many more! I am proud to be a part of an organization that is working towards meeting the needs of the Commonwealth.

Kaitlyn Crowley introduces Senate President Spilka at a speaker event
Kaitlyn Crowley introduces Senate President Spilka at a speaker event
Kaitlyn Crowley attends an Juneteenth event with Senate President Spilka.
Kaitlyn Crowley attends an Juneteenth event with Senate President Spilka.
Kaitlyn Crowley attends intern event at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute with fellow intern.
Kaitlyn Crowley attends intern event at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute with fellow intern.
The Massachusetts State Senate celebrates Pride Month with speaker Governor Healey.
The Massachusetts State Senate celebrates Pride Month with speaker Governor Healey.
Kaitlyn Crowley’s first day at work!
Kaitlyn Crowley’s first day at work!