Balancing Act: Mission, Profit, and Impact in Microfinance

Here is a video of a discussion from the Microfinance USA Conference 2011.

Below are some details from the website. To view the video go here.


Can dedication to mission and the profit motive co-exist as seamlessly as some microfinance proponents suggest? On the other hand, can beneficial financial products really make any dent in the problem of poverty other than through ‘commercial’ models? How should we respond to studies suggesting that loans intended for small businesses are often used for other household consumption, or that microlending has no impact on the economic well-being of MFI clients? These questions have lately been generating headlines about microfinance around the globe.

At Microfinance USA, we will challenge a panel of leading academics, entrepreneurs, and investors to bring diverse opinions and perspectives together in a lively discussion on the topic.

Errol Damelin, Wonga
Carlos Danel, Compartamos Banco
Adam Davidson, Planet Money, NPR
Ananya Roy, University of California, Berkeley
Felix Salmon, Reuters
Eric Weaver, Opportunity Fund