A Bad Decision is Better Than No Decision At All

Analysis paralysis is the poison that entrepreneurs continually feed themselves. We repeatedly go back and forth with our inquiries while trying to make perfect decisions. We listen to new specialists and new points of view. We hold meetings and watch presentations. We hear arguments from all sides. We form sub-committees. We spend countless hours on Google. Then, we determine that we do not have enough information for us to feel comfortable making a decision. So, we start all over with our planning.

Guess what? There are millions of people on this planet who are willing to get up every morning, put on their clothes and drag themselves to work so that someone else can tell them what to do. But it takes a true leader to be the one to make a decision. They are the ones who give direction, and who, ultimately, are willing to carry the burden of responsibility of success or failure on their shoulders.

Full article here.