Trans* Clothing Swap

Despite the increasing awareness and acceptance of trans* and non-cisgendered folks around the world, many continue to face violence, abuse, and other difficulties inflicted by those around them. As such, finding clothes suitable for one’s gender identity is not always easy. Funds may be scarce, friends or family may be intolerant, or one might not feel comfortable coming out. If you find yourself in this position – in need of clothing due to your identity – or you want to help those who are still persecuted simply for being who they are, check out the Trans Clothes Swap website!

Those wishing to donate clothing can make submissions to the blog, including information on which clothing they’d like to offer (with sizes, descriptions, pictures, and a contact URL or email if possible). Accessories like jewelry and shoes are also accepted, as are most gently used items (except for underwear, though bras, binders, and swimwear may be donated). Hygiene, makeup, and beauty supplies are also welcomed if clean and safe to share. Once someone has received the donated clothing, one must message the blog with the link to the submission and it will be taken down. Cisgendered individuals are free to donate clothes but cannot receive any from the swap.

Those seeking clothing can search through submissions and, upon finding something they’re interested in, privately contact the original poster to work out shipping details. One can also make a submission requesting certain types and sizes of clothing. Submissions are tagged as masculine/feminine/androgynous and as seeking/giving, in addition to item type, size, and geographic area.


For questions, check out the FAQ page. You can also like the Facebook page and follow on Twitter.