Lend for America Summer Fellowship

Want a summer job that will set your resume apart? Interested in doing something meaningful but need to make money?

Check out the Lend for America Fellowship Program – a chance to spend the summer at a leading microfinance organization and then start one on your own campus! The summer internship offers a $2,500 stipend and covers travel expenses.

Fellows receive a crash course in microfinance, a full-time summer internship with an existing microfinance group, and year-round support from Lend for America as they start their organizations.

Check out this video of a 2012 fellow alum and the founder of Fund 17 at Tulane University: Haley Burns. In this short video, Haley shares her experience as a fellow at Capital Good Fund in Rhode Island:

[vimeo 78308636]

To apply, visit the fellowship page.