Milgard Invitational Case Competition on Social Responsibility

Hey there, Tulane students! Interested in working on a case study for a national competition? Tulane has been invited to attend the Milgard Invitational Case Competition on Social Responsibility! Four undergraduate students will work together as a team to analyze the case on the weekend of February 21-23. After that, the team will present their case at UW Tacoma on Friday, February 28.

The Third Annual Milgard Invitational Case Competition on Social Responsibility provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to explore the issues of corporate sustainability and citizenship that managers of companies regularly face as they navigate the evolving waters of corporate social responsibility.

Teams of four undergraduate students from invited universities have three days to research, explore, and develop their recommendations to present to a panel of judges representing a broad base of industry expertise.  This competition is designed to minimize the impact on students’ schedules, as they receive the case on a Friday morning and have the weekend to do their work on their home campus.  They come to the University of Washington Tacoma to present their recommendations the following Friday.

Each member of the winning team will receive a $500 prize and a custom-made glass trophy.  The winning school will also receive a matching glass trophy to display.  Each member of the runner-up team will receive a $100 VISA gift card.

For more information, visit the event page here. If you’re interested in joining the Tulane team, email NhuNgoc at