Why Your Soil Matters or Why I Love to Hate Gurus | Jarrod Shappell

The earth tells us that conditions matters. Temperature, the amount of water, how much wind, and in this case, what container something is in all have an impact on how something grows. It wasn’t that the bougainvillea stopped growing when moved to the pot, it was that it grew differently as a result of where it was hosted. This appears to be an ecological truth that we humans struggle with.

We live in the age of the guru. Right now your twitter feed has posts that read three ways to improve your team’s performance. The nine secrets to a better night’s sleep. Seven principals on the five steps to receive the three keys to greatness. I’ve always wanted to be one of these gurus – an expert in a specific field or a know it all – because gurus make them dolla bills! Why? Because in the age of the guru everyone is looking for clean, quick, answers.

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